creative automation has a wealth of experience, gained over many years as special machine designer and builder. In addition, our cooperative partners also contribute to expand our knowledge base.
We used the sum of our skills and experience to create our system modules and components. Our target was to provide the customer with ideal systems for a multitude of stamping and automation applications. Furthermore, we used the discoveries gained from intensive immersion in demanding stamping and forming processes, for the creation of 4 novel approaches to the same technologies.
Today, our identity is primarily a system supplier of a family of precision-machines, with modular construction and of system-components. In addition, we also be your advisor during the configuration and set-up of our systems or when needed, provide you with an applications-specific, customized, turn-key equipment.
We are interested in the specialized concerns of your processes and will undertake a cooperative development of the optimal solution. In our approach we utilize the techniques of “state of the art” tool and die-making, such us micro-finishing, special surface treatments, dry-stamping and many more.
Make use of our know-how for your application.

Whatever your demands and requirements are: with the special machinery for automation solutions designed by ourselves and our partners, we will find an answer. | more

Blanking, Bending, Coining or Drawing of parts up to 1.5 mm material thickness is our core competence. Our systems are optimized for these applications. | more

In cooperation with our German suppliers (Festo, Seitz) and our Swiss supplier (Siegfried), creative automation has developed, over several years, it’s own IPC based Press Control System. | more