TX – Stamping-Automats

Process optimizable linear motion, two models/output categories, various configurations. The TX series stamping automats are of a no compromise construction for maximum process capability. A first rate Press for Stamping/Forming/Coining of high-precision, demanding part.
During the development of the press the following parameters were adhered to:
- Servo-drive based on actual safety guidelines, Performance-level “d” for stamping automat, performance level “e” for assembly-press
- Controlled ramps for low dynamic-mass
- Optimal ram guiding through massive slides, coupled with shock observers and balancers
- High-torque through servo drive, high precision through symmetrical double box-cams with continuous follower control (2 patents received)
- Codesys based high speed machine control, enables programmable motion details and Ramps for pulsation-techniques. Offers opportunities for process control, tool-status sensing, material thickness and lubrication control
- Machine base with options for additional axes and feed directions
- Optional servo-roll-feed (with servo air-blast) or hitch-feed with linear motion and optional servo or pneumatic clamping
- TX 40S stamping-automat with up to 40 kN forming capacity, with optional integrated ejector | Datenblatt_TX-40S
- TX40E assembly-press with light-curtain, up to 40 kN forming capacity, with optional integrated ejector (from above) | Datenblatt_TX-40E